Thursday, April 12, 2007

Submmission Needed - Paternity Implications

Source: menz @

Submmission Needed - Paternity Implications

The Births, Deaths, Marriages, and Relationships Registration Amendment Bill is open for submissions.

This is an important bill for Fathers as there are serious implications for paternity registration buried in the bill.

Clauses 10, 11 and 12 are of particular interest as is 84A

To Sum Up

The first is in relation to the part of the bill which places a statutory obligation on both parents of a child to jointly notify a Registrar of the birth of a child. If

The only exceptions are when there is only one parent at law - this happens with some procedures for assisted reproduction, or where one parent is “unavailable”, or where requiring the other parent to sign the form would cause so-called “undue distress” to one of the parents.
This changes the position from the current law, where the obligation to notify a Registrar rests only with people who are legally guardians of the child at the time of the birth.

If this bill goes through there will therefore be a statutory obligation on fathers of children to make the notification, and an obligation on mothers to jointly make the notification with the father - whether they choose to or not.

If the father does not agree to having his name on the Birth Certificate the registrar can use extensive investigation powers to place a fathers name on the birth certificate.
Section 89(e) of the Act makes it a criminal offence to “having had the relevant provision of this Act drawn to the person’s attention, fails or refuses to give any information required by this Act to be given”.

Please have a look at the bill and please make a submission to the select committee.
Remember a child has a right to know both of his parents and while it is easy to identify the mother the only conclusive evidence that a man is a child’s father is a DNA test. Please stress the need for FREE DNA testing if requested by a Father as a requirement for birth registration.
The certificate of birth is the primary document used for establishing proof of paternity for child support (tax) recovery and if it is wrong it is currently and will under this bill will be very difficult and expensive for a father to gain redress against the injustice.

Remember the solution is simple FREE DNA tests,without the mother acting as a gatekeeper, if requested as this will protect the child and the father and provide honesty and truth in parenthood.

Finally lets not forget the kids, they have the right to be sure that dad is dad and not an unrelated stranger.



Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Watch out for psychological tests.

Watch out for psychological tests.Sunday, 25.03.2007, 12:47pm (GMT12)

Watch out for psychological tests

Posted by watchingcyfswatchnewzealand on March 24th, 2007

Source: New Zealand Families vs CYFS Support Forum

Hans Laven writes:

Watch out for psychological tests

If CYFS refer you for psychological assessment or treatment, be careful about this process and especially about filling out assessment questionnaires or participating in tests. While I am not at liberty to discuss any cases, it may be enough to say that it is possible for a parent to be referred for counselling to a psychologist who will then convince the parent to participate in a personality test. The parent might be led to believe this is part of the assessment process for the counselling, but in referring the parent CYFS can make it clear that they would like some professional evidence to justify their decision in uplifting the children. The "counselling" becomes mainly a facade for obtaining some professional dirt on the parent.

The psychologist is paid by CYFS and will be keen to accommodate what CYFS wants in the hope of getting further contracts. Even though the personality test might not give results suggesting that the parent is dangerous, the psychologist can pick out and report bad-sounding aspects of the test results and can add to this critical comments about the parent's presentation in the sessions. The parent, all the time believing that they are just undertaking counselling to address CYFS concerns, is then surprised to see the psychologist has prepared a damning report that is used to prevent any return of the children. Believe me, it happens.

Lessons from the story:
- if referred for counselling, get in writing from the counsellor an agreement about the purpose of the work and the nature of any reporting back, and have this looked over by your lawyer before proceeding
- do not agree to participate in personality assessments which, more than many other assessment tools, are open to massive interpretation and misuse
- if CYFS recommends counselling, do not attend counselling or treatment paid for by CYFS because of the risk that CYFS will thereby exploit the process. Instead, pay for it and the report privately if possible, or ask if it can be provided through the free Family Court counselling system which is confidential and allows only minimal forms of reporting back.


Reply from Tracy

Theyre exploiting us through counselling right now and its terrifying me, know exactly what you mean.I understood my kids were to be counselled for the trauma of my sons accident, cyfs paid for my daughters counselling because she didnt have acc entitlement.The questions are SO leading shes refused to go, they want the family to go so they can spark an argument then write a bad report on us, so far 5 sessions, not one mention of accident just `who lives at home' `your mother has no rules does she?" `why are you hitting people?' "dont lie, now who's hitting you' It wouldnt be so bad, but i'm an advocate of non violent parenting and dont hit them AT ALL.I'm sitting back in horror watching myself being `fitted up' for stuff i'm not even doing!


Reply from : Michelle Lee Stewart

CYFS have done exactly that to me and taken into custody my 2 youngest children, on the grounds that I have mental health issues, I'm a drug addict and dealer, I'm a prostitute, I have abused and neglected my 3 children, I'm totally incapble of caring for my children, and the worst thing that these lying social workers have said that I strangled my son while breastfeeding him.

He is now 5 years old, and the lies and slander just go on and on. I am well aware that I am not facing false allegations on my own. How can these corrupt social workers and all who conspire with them be allowed to get away with such cruel abuse of families. Their care & protection orders are a cruel and utter insult on my family, I notice that the department are not paying the school bill. How do you stand up and fight against this corrupt system.

CYFS are a real life modern-day Gestapo. They have destroyed my life and it will never be the same. I'm not crazy and I'm not stupid the way that the system has made me out to be. It would be nice if anyone wanted to contact me here in the Waikato, thanks, god bless you all, Michelle, 10 Jamieson Crescent, Te Rapa, Hamilton, phone 07-849-0331 or e-mail me on: michelle.stewart@..., all the best to everyone out there who sufferes under these lying NAZI social workers, for they are the real abusers, may they be brought to justice for all of their lies and slander that they push through the family court.