Monday, February 05, 2007

"We're not backing down from these New Zealand Public Service pricks - even if it ultimately costs us our freedom".

As posted on CYFSWATCH

Dear CYFS Watch team,

Once again we applaud this site and remain one of its biggest supporters. The service that you are doing for our abused and brutalized is immeasurable, however we do have concerns.

We ask that you PLEASE ensure that you adhere to Google’s TOS. As tempting as it may be to post some of the more controversial “remarks”, these postings may in fact result in the total loss of the voice you've allowed us to have.

It would be a shame for the thousands of victims of this evil regime (CYFS) to be once again condemned to forced silence and frustration for the sake of a few unwise “remarks”.

For the benefit of the greater majority, it may unfortunately be necessary to check and alter the content of dangerous postings. We ask future posters to please take care with their content as we are all in this fight together and we have all faced the immeasurable pain that is CYFS.

Please remember, we need the public to continue to hear our stories and voice their support to achieve the JUSTICE we all so desperately need.


Craig and Louise Martin

(09) 8133647

(NEVER anonymous!)


Hi Craig and Louise,

Guys, it won't matter if they shut the site - we will simply find a new site, re-publish, and let everyone know what the new website address is.

If we give in, in any way - the Government wins.

If we succumb to ANY bullying - CYFS wins.

However, if the New Zealand Government shut down the site - what message will that send to the rest of NZ? That free speech is only as free as the Government allows it to be?

We would have truly transitioned into a totalitarian state if this is the case.We're not backing down from these New Zealand Public Service pricks - even if it ultimately costs us our freedom.


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