Tuesday, January 23, 2007

CYF to Gag Name-and-Shame Site

As Posted on FreeSpeech.org.nz

Lindsay Mitchell is reporting (UPDATE: So is NZPA) that Ministry of Social Development CEO Peter Hughes has “instructed lawyers to work 24/7 doing whatever they have to, to shut down the CYFS Watch blogsite.”

CYFSWatch is a controversial new blog that is attempting to hold Child, Youth and Family staff accountable for their allegedly destructive actions by publishing ‘name-and-shame’ articles about the individuals involved in various cases.

CYF is likely to be under pressure from the PSA, its staff’s union, to do something about the site, which is threatening to publish the personal details of CYF staff including photographs and home addresses.

If the allegations made on the site are true then the authors have every right to publish them, however “robust” you might find their methods. If not, the answer is not for an arm of the government to shut down the site but to sue the authors for libel although, given their anonymity, that could prove difficult.

It will be interesting to see what CYF does here and, if it comes down to it, whether Google (Blogger’s owner) will do the government’s dirty work and censor the site. Given the nature of the Internet, any information that is censored will no doubt just pop up somewhere else.

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