Wednesday, February 28, 2007

CYFSWATCH New Zealand HAS GONE AGAIN ???????????????


CYFSWATCH New Zealand HAS GONE AGAIN ???????????????

Posted by watchingcyfswatchnewzealand on February 28th, 2007

Has CYFSWATCH New Zealand been got at ????????????????????

Its gone again

The authors have deleted this blog. The content is no longer available.

You can create your own free blog on


WATCHINGCYFSWATCH New Zealand is still in operation

Friday, February 23, 2007

Children’s Commissioner hires staff for CYF complaints

Children’s Commissioner hires staff for CYF complaints
February 22nd, 2007 by watchingcyfs

Children’s Commissioner Cindy Kiro has employed a full-time staff member to handle the 400 complaints a year it receives about the Child, Youth and Family service.


CYFSWATCH may have done Sue Bradford a big favour !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

CYFSWATCH may have done Sue Bradford a big favour !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
February 22nd, 2007 by watchingcyfs

I speak on my own behalf and not CYFSWATCH

In one sense CYFSWATCH has done Sue Bradford a big favour alerting her to the fact that there could be a plot agaisnt her.

Why do we shoot the messenger?

The sentiments posted probably are NOT the views of CYFSWATCH, but a third party.

There may be many people who privately feel the same and have the same sentiments.

Are the Ploice going to hunt them all down???????? only time will tell.
As police have told NZPA that the comments made on the site did not break any laws.

The posting raised the prospect of assassinating the MP, who has a member’s bill before Parliament to remove the right of parents to smack children to correct them.

The author says they would like to punch Ms Bradford and break her nose and gave a graphic account about other injuries that would be inflicted.

“We’ve had legal advice to say basically no criminal offence has been committed as yet,” Mr Lek said.

“But we’re obviously concerned as far as the implications in the blog goes.”

Mr Lek said it was not legal to make threats.

“But the way it was worded it was not a direct threat as such. It’s couched in a way it - possibly cleverly or by pure luck - that the person doesn’t commit an offence.”

Mr Lek said police would try find out who was behind the posting.

When asked if security for Ms Bradford had been increased Mr Lek said the DPS do not comment on individual security matters.

Ms Bradford yesterday told reporters she was alarmed at the posting which “details a graphic physical assault on me and asks people to send in my home address”.

“I’ve referred it to the police here at Parliament and I’m quite concerned about my physical safety at this time.”

The website also said it would publish Ms Bradford’s residential address if it was supplied.

The anonymous posting suggests Ms Bradford should be killed.

“Bradford is a worthy candidate for NZ’s first political assassination – I only wish I had the resources to do it.”

The website was set up to criticise Child, Youth and Family Services (CYF) and caused controversy with a “name-and-shame” blog which provided personal information about individual social workers.

Google ordered it to remove some posts that were not compliant with its terms of service.

Ms Bradford said she hoped her address was not in the public domain and she would consider getting protection.

“I’ve asked my secretary to go straight to the Parliamentary police to let them know that I am worried now. I wasn’t before,” she said.

“There have been occasional threats in the past but the fact they are trying to track down my address at the same time as describing a graphic and quite horrible assault on me is distressing at this time in the Parliamentary debate.”

She said the incident reflected the campaign some of her opponents had whipped up around the debate.

“Some of the parents who want to defend the parents right to hit their kids seem quite fanatical and I think this threat against me is the latest manifestation.”

Ms Bradford said she hoped the site had been closed permanently. She had been contacted by other people abused on the site.

“They’re saying to me ‘now you understand how bad it is’,” she told NZPA.

“If that website could be closed down, that would be fantastic. It isn’t just about me.”

Ms Bradford said she was not getting special security at this stage.

“I’m hoping that the emotions that have been aroused will calm down as they realise that the democratic processes of this country need to take place and threatening to kill people is really anathema to democracy.”

Internet commentator David Farrar said he expected that Google, that own the blog host had decided to delete the site.

He said there was no question the latest posts would have breached its terms of service agreement.

It was possible the site’s authors may try get another host.
In my humble opinion,its disappointing that in a country like New Zealand that we resort to this level of disgrace in terms of a “name and shame” of CYFS employees who are just doing their job.

But since when is it right and just to make such life-affecting decisions that have caused so much damage to families and children based on whishy washy theories which have no bases in fact whatsoever. It is no excuss to just say “I was only doing my job” when it turns to custard. As i recall many of the German officers in various war crime trials used the same defence, ” I was only following orders”. It does not wash.

Every person in CYFS are each accountable for every choice they make, and must take full responsability for their actions. They can learn a lesson from the Brittish workers that had the moral fortatude to get out when they saw how unethical it was within CYFS.

It is not a disgrace to expose the evil that goes on behind closed doors, it is a disgrace that such evil exisits and certian people wish to keep it hidden behind closed doors.

It is the duty of anyone that sees things going so wrong to say someting about it, or should i say shout it from the rooftops. To stay silent on such a matter infers that you approve, or, at least, that you do not care for it. It is an old maxim that silence is consent.

It is a maxim of law that if a man knows of a murder about to be committed and does not use means to prevent it, he shall be held accessory before the fact. If he knows of murder which has been done, and does not endeavor to bring the criminal to justice, he is accessory after the fact.
If some CYFS workers feel some shame a guilt so be it.

The only time most people will feel true shame and guilt is when they have done something wrong and their conciences are pricking them.

Now for s59 I think Sue Bradford has said herself that her bill will not stop or eliminate the culture of violence against our children.

No amount of legislation that is past is ever going to stop it no matter what you do it will always be there.

In fact smacking is a legitimate from of discipline when used the right way. As Sue Bradford can’t discern what is the difference bettween what is legitimate smacking and violence her solution is to call it all abuse etc and that should be outlawed.

Well here is some news for her in some situations the only right and legitimate course of action would be to smack the child. Failing to do that would be child abuse.

Just as it would be wrong not to expose and to keep silent about the evil abuse that is being perpatrated on our famlies and children by CYFS etc. It would be evil abuse if you didn’t exersice proper discpline (including smacking) to our children.

CYFS reaction is interesting indeed, it is one of cover up and shut down any voices that wish to expose them. There is not an ounce for backbone to come clean and face the cold light of day.

When the spotlight of truth shines it shows what is there in the darkness.

People when confronted with the light (truth) react by either attacking it,running from it, or embracing it. We have seen the first two but not the third from CYFS.

So i think in this instance Sue Bradford should be thankfull to CYFSWATCH as to warn her of might have been a real threat. I don’t think any level headed person including CYFSWATCH would agree that either threatening or murdering anyone is the right thing to do.

I believe CYFSWATCH can not take responsability for any one elses actions but there own.

So why shoot the messenger????????????

Police say website comments not illegal

Police say website comments not illegal
February 22nd, 2007 by watchingcyfs

Police say website comments not illegal

By MAGGIE TAIT - NZPA Thursday, 22 February 2007

A website that carried a posting by someone who said they wanted to beat up Green Party MP Sue Bradford has been closed.


It was unclear if it the closure of the Cyfswatch website was permanent.

Meanwhile, police have told NZPA that the comments made on the site did not break any laws.
Police diplomatic protection squad Sergeant Ron Lek told NZPA that the posting was written in such a way it skirted breaking the law.

The posting raised the prospect of assassinating the MP, who has a member’s bill before Parliament to remove the right of parents to smack children to correct them.

The legislation takes away the defence of reasonable force against assault of a child under Section 59 of the Crimes Act.

The author says they would like to punch Ms Bradford and break her nose and gave a graphic account about other injuries that would be inflicted.

“We’ve had legal advice to say basically no criminal offence has been committed as yet,” Mr Lek said.

“But we’re obviously concerned as far as the implications in the blog goes.”

Mr Lek said it was not legal to make threats.

“But the way it was worded it was not a direct threat as such. It’s couched in a way it - possibly cleverly or by pure luck - that the person doesn’t commit an offence.”

Mr Lek said police would try find out who was behind the posting.

When asked if security for Ms Bradford had been increased Mr Lek said the DPS do not comment on individual security matters.

Ms Bradford yesterday told reporters she was alarmed at the posting which “details a graphic physical assault on me and asks people to send in my home address”.

“I’ve referred it to the police here at Parliament and I’m quite concerned about my physical safety at this time.”

The website also said it would publish Ms Bradford’s residential address if it was supplied.

The anonymous posting suggests Ms Bradford should be killed.

“Bradford is a worthy candidate for NZ’s first political assassination – I only wish I had the resources to do it.”

The website was set up to criticise Child, Youth and Family Services (CYF) and caused controversy with a “name-and-shame” blog which provided personal information about individual social workers.

Google ordered it to remove some posts that were not compliant with its terms of service.

Ms Bradford said she hoped her address was not in the public domain and she would consider getting protection.

“I’ve asked my secretary to go straight to the Parliamentary police to let them know that I am worried now. I wasn’t before,” she said.

“There have been occasional threats in the past but the fact they are trying to track down my address at the same time as describing a graphic and quite horrible assault on me is distressing at this time in the Parliamentary debate.”

She said the incident reflected the campaign some of her opponents had whipped up around the debate.

“Some of the parents who want to defend the parents right to hit their kids seem quite fanatical and I think this threat against me is the latest manifestation.”

Ms Bradford’s bill passed its second reading last night, to move one step closer to becoming law.

Ms Bradford said she hoped the site had been closed permanently. She had been contacted by other people abused on the site.

“They’re saying to me ‘now you understand how bad it is’,” she told NZPA.

“If that website could be closed down, that would be fantastic. It isn’t just about me.”

Ms Bradford said she was not getting special security at this stage.

“I’m hoping that the emotions that have been aroused will calm down as they realise that the democratic processes of this country need to take place and threatening to kill people is really anathema to democracy.”

Internet commentator David Farrar said he expected that Google, that own the blog host had decided to delete the site.

He said there was no question the latest posts would have breached its terms of service agreement.

It was possible the site’s authors may try get another host.

In Defence Of CYFSwatch (the blog)

In Defence Of CYFSwatch (the blog)February 22nd, 2007 by watchingcyfs

As posted on The proactive protesting site.

In Defence Of CYFSwatch (the blog)

Posted bykiwi on Wednesday, February 21 @ 21:02:08

Contributed by kiwi

(sent to CYFSwatch blog for publication. I hope they DO publish this)

Its interesting to see that CYFSwatch really knows how to play the media, and play it they have, because it seems that M/s Bradford wasnt told by the Helen Crak NOT to mention this blog, and in so doing, again, it hits the media.

Thankyou M/s Bradford.

But some of the comments I read on this blog are from people entirely missing the point.

Firstly, I see nothing wrong in the first blog entry which mentioned doing violence to M/s Bradford, its a symptom of the anger in our soicety against this bill, and its better to voice that anger than actualy going out and doing it (which I wouldnt condone)

The second blog entry asking for M/s Bradfords pesonal details, well, I’m in two minds on that one. If politicans want to intrude into peoples private lives then they must pay a price, protest outside their homes is a fitting punishment.

Why do people assume that the first blog entry and the second one are connected? They may not be. But again, people are missing the point.

We live in a nanny state, Politicans like M/s Bradford are telling the people of New Zealand what to do, when to do it and so on. This law is one in a long line of laws that invade our private lives, we are the most regulated people on the planet.

We have stupid laws as it is, this “smacking” law is the latest, and Helen Clark now wants to tell us what light bulbs we can us by outlawing cheap standard bulbs. We will all be forced into buying the more costly energy saving bulbs, but Helen doesnt care about the price, her Government collects GST on each bulb sold. Same with new laws about how nosiy your car can be, and that people will soon have to have a compulsory tune up when they apply for a warrant of fitness.

These laws, on the one hand, are a revenue rasing scheme, but on the other, its telling us what to do. You see, we cannot be trusted to think for ourselves, we cannot be trusted to make the right choices, and that brings us to M/s Bradfords stupid law.

Any parent that “smacks” their child to the point of that child being admitted to hospital CAN, as it stands, be prosecuted under the law, even smacking a child for no reason is cause enough for CYFS to step in and claim child abuse. Face it, the child is already protected under our laws, so why do we need another one?

I’ll tell you why, its because these politicans need to justify their existance on this planet, and also, as I said, we cannot be trusted to live our lives the way we want. The end result of this law will be that CYFS can claim in the Family Court, with NO evidence to back it up, that the parents smacked their child, and the Judge, who would have laughed before this law comes into effect, will be obliged to “protect the child” while its investigated. Once in the system, the parents will not see their child again.

We cannot even be trusted to raise our children. The Government, in the form of CYFS, knows better who can and cannot be a good parent. M/s Bradford would be better employed to suggest laws to make CYFS more accountable. You see, more children are killed while under CYFS care, either actualy IN their care, or the family is recieving “help” from CYFS. Thats a more fitting problem for M/s Bradford to tackling.

In Masterton, FOUR children were killed and CYFS was involved in each one (theres probably more, but these made national news). Lillybing was the first. Coral Burrows wont be the last either.So while parents can and WILL be prosecuted, CYFS will still be running amok in our society. Has anyone ever heard of a social worker being prosecuted for putting a child in a foster home where that child was sexualy or physicaly abused? No, because its yet to happen. THATS where M/s Bradford could do some good. THAT law would be popular.

Face it New Zealand, we dont even have the right to protest anymore! This blog is proof of that, Peter Hughes wanted it closed down and had Google been a New Zealand company, it would have been. Even when we do protest, the Government makes light of it, ” a bunch of malcontents” and “they dont have all the information” and “The National Party is behind this” are some of the comments Helen Clark uses to IGNORE all protests.

So, this blog at least lets us be heard. M/s Bradford for one must read this blog (Hello Sue!!!) so its a good way to let those we elect hear what concerns us the most.

Don’t forget too, that before she became an MP, M/s Bradford was one of us, she was a protestor, and an advocate of the Unemployed Workers Union.
What she wants to deny us is what she did nearly every week while she was unemployed. She knows how the game is played, she knows very well that she didnt need to feel afraid, but she went on TV saying her life is now in danger, well, thats one way to get the public behind an unpopular bill she is promoting, like I said, she knows how the game is played.

What was said on this blog is MILD compared to what I have heard people say in public, and lets face it, it wont stop the child bashers one bit, they will keep on doing what they do REGARDLESS of this law. So why have it? This is why I support this blogs right to say what it did, whether or not I agree with it, because till this Government starts listening to the people of New Zealand then what other option is there and the Government can expect a lot more of this kind of thing, because protesting to deaf ears doesnt get anyone anywhere, but M/s Bradford surely DID hear a threat to her life, even if she did slightly overreact.

It looks like thats the ONLY way these bunch of no hopers in parliament ever WILL listen to us. By making our point, and adding a threat. I dare anyone to say that the poll saying 80% of the people opposed to this bill had any impact on M/s Bradford, and I dare anyone to say that this blog ALSO didnt have a MASSIVE impact on M/s Bradford. Its amazing what impact a few words will have on those we elect.

At least we now know that the no hopers we are suckered into electing read this blog.

Thats good!


Yep Gone Gone Gone

Yep Gone Gone Gone

Google has shut down the controversial Cyfswatch website because of threats posted on the blog site yesterday against Green MP Sue Bradford.

Google spokeswoman Victoria Grand said the US-based giant had previously censored postings that breached its terms of service but had now closed the site permanently because of “repeat violations”.

She said Google investigated the site when the New Zealand Ministry of Social Development first complained about it last month, and again after the ministry lodged a new complaint about the postings threatening Ms Bradford yesterday.

Cyfswatch said yesterday that it had details of Ms Bradford’s home address and would post them unless she withdrew her “anti-smacking” bill. The bill, removing a defence for parents against assault charges if they used reasonable force to “correct” their children, passed its second reading in Parliament by 70 votes to 51 last night.

A spokeswoman for the Ministry of Social Development said the ministry would not comment on the site’s shutdown.

Cyfswatch, whose authors have always remained anonymous, issued a statement today saying Google’s action was “a breathtaking display of socialist censorship”.

It said a mirror site was now available.

Google’s terms of service prohibit the posting of content that is “unlawful, harmful, threatening, abusive, harassing, tortious, defamatory, vulgar, obscene, libellous, invasive of another’s privacy, hateful, or racially, ethnically or otherwise objectionable”.

Where is CYFSWATCH????????????????????

It seems that CYFSWATCH has been removed overnight.
Another blow for Free Speech in New Zealand.

Thursday, February 15, 2007

New CYFSWATCH Yahoo Group started.

As posted on CYFSWATCH

Description:In defence of CYFSWATCH New Zealand and Free speech.

Group Email Addresses:

* Post message:
* Subscribe:
* Unsubscribe:
* List owner:

Posted by cyfswatch at 20:19

Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Your Views: Row over site critical of Cyfs

Row over site critical of Cyfs

Thursday January 25, 2007

Five years after their baby son died in state care, a West Auckland family has hit back at the social workers involved by naming them on a renegade website aimed at holding such people to account.

What do you think of this?

Send us your views
Read the story

Here is the latest selection of your views:

I am a married 19 year old and I got given my sister because my mother couldnt handle her shoplifting. I then put her under some strict rules which seemed to be working, until a CYFS councilor told me I had serious mental issues for someone my age and needed to see a doctor to get medication(I am actually a pretty well adjusted person). She then got given to my aunt, who sees my sister as nothing but extra income, and my sister still has no-one to address her problem of shoplifting. My mother has called CYFS repeatedly to get them to address the problem, and they have only contacted her now because my aunt cannot handle my sister, and now wants to dump her back on my mother. It seems strange that CYFS is supposed to be helping my sister through her problems, yet she is the one who is being ignored.

New Zealand has such a poor record for abuse of children. But now it seems that the organisation which holds itself up as the ultimate child caring one is partly to blame for it. I feel sorry for the parents, for the children and for those many social workers who do have integrity and justice in their hearts. Their bullying colleagues have let everyone down. Lets hope their managers see fit to redeploy them and rebuild CYFs tattered reputation.

High time some of these seemingly inadequate people were held accountable. If they do a good job, they should not have too much of a worry. There will always be the odd person that goes over the top with their criticism, & they should be dealt to as well. From the top down, NZ is infested with faceless bureaucrats that ride roughshod over the ordinary & generally law abiding Kiwi.

Kristina Harrison
I fully support the naming and shaming of CYFs social workers. When kids are dying after CYFs have been called with concerns obviously something is not right. When non-custodial fathers are being told that the only reason they are ringing CYFs with concerns about their children is because they are overbearing, there is a problem. When kids are dying in the care of CYFs approved homes, there is a problem. The government should be getting rid of people who are assisting in the abuse of our children by their inaction or prejudices, rather than trying to pass a bill through parliament that allows us to make criminals of good parents.

Great job, about time, well done.

Cyfs should be held accountable for these children who apparently slip through the net and end up dead.

It is interesting that the CYFS workers and PSA are so concerned about a blog that personaly identifies poorly performing staff. I am a teacher and myself and every other teacher has a page on the website in which teachers are criticised--several quite severely and many unjustly.There has been not horror and action to take this website down. CYFS workers need to get used to the way things happen in the 21st centry and stop being so precious and get on with improving their performance like the teachers website has prompted them to do.

Peter Hughes has hit the nail on the head. All responsibility for child abuse should rest squarely on the shoulders of the parents and adults in the house. If it were not for the neglectful, errant, irresponsible and downright cruel behaviour of some of our parents , there would not be the need to have an organisation like CYF in the first place. The numbers speak for themselves . New Zealand has the highest rate of child abuse in the world, therefore its no wonder that CYF is overworked and their attention spread thin over the number of cases each officer can handle. If they get some wrong , who is to blame. We can keep pointing fingers at the government, underbudgeting , lack of workers, nurses and the whole shebang of excuses but the fact remains that the blame lies with us as parents and caregivers. If a couple of seconds of orgasmic pleasure experienced one drunken afternoon results in the birth of a child then maybe we as a society should take a long hard look at ourselves and ask some serious questions about the choices we are making . That blog should be wiped off cyberspace and that family be prosecuted for scandal.

If they want to name and shame social workers why dont we have an identical site naming and shaming families who have had their children removed and why? Its only fair to have both sides to the story.

Monday, February 05, 2007

"We're not backing down from these New Zealand Public Service pricks - even if it ultimately costs us our freedom".

As posted on CYFSWATCH

Dear CYFS Watch team,

Once again we applaud this site and remain one of its biggest supporters. The service that you are doing for our abused and brutalized is immeasurable, however we do have concerns.

We ask that you PLEASE ensure that you adhere to Google’s TOS. As tempting as it may be to post some of the more controversial “remarks”, these postings may in fact result in the total loss of the voice you've allowed us to have.

It would be a shame for the thousands of victims of this evil regime (CYFS) to be once again condemned to forced silence and frustration for the sake of a few unwise “remarks”.

For the benefit of the greater majority, it may unfortunately be necessary to check and alter the content of dangerous postings. We ask future posters to please take care with their content as we are all in this fight together and we have all faced the immeasurable pain that is CYFS.

Please remember, we need the public to continue to hear our stories and voice their support to achieve the JUSTICE we all so desperately need.


Craig and Louise Martin

(09) 8133647

(NEVER anonymous!)


Hi Craig and Louise,

Guys, it won't matter if they shut the site - we will simply find a new site, re-publish, and let everyone know what the new website address is.

If we give in, in any way - the Government wins.

If we succumb to ANY bullying - CYFS wins.

However, if the New Zealand Government shut down the site - what message will that send to the rest of NZ? That free speech is only as free as the Government allows it to be?

We would have truly transitioned into a totalitarian state if this is the case.We're not backing down from these New Zealand Public Service pricks - even if it ultimately costs us our freedom.


CYFSWATCH refuse to be bullied by NZ Government.

As posted on CYFSWATCH

CYFSWATCH are aware of the strenuous efforts that the Ministry of Social Development and the New Zealand Government are making in order to shut down the CYFSWATCH site.

Unfortunately, the powers that be have been able to put sufficient pressure on Google to start deleting posts to CYFSWATCH, without Google first informing CYFSWATCH of what issues they may or may not have with particular posts.

CYFSWATCH can not and will not accept such a gross abuse of free speech, sanctioned by the New Zealand Government, and will continue to post deleted posts until prevented from doing so.

In the event that the CYFSWATCH site is shut down, we will simply move to another site, and advise everyone who has emailed us of the new site address.

Last time we looked, this was still a free country.

So now CYFSWATCH is a threat to MSD staff?

As posted on CYFSWATCH

TV 3 Website 5/2/07:
Battle begins between CYFSWATCH and Google

A website designed to humiliate Child Youth and Family workers has begun a battle of wills with Internet giant Google.

The Ministry of Social Development told Google last week the site could put its staff in danger.

Google today deleted threatening comments from the blog, but the site's creator reposted them.

The blogger says more than 60 people have made copies of the website, so it can be restored if Google shuts it down.

What they are saying about CYFSWATCH - In Wales.

As posted from connexions & CYFSWATCH

New Zealand government threatens watchblog

Thursday, January 25th, 2007

by Bene Diction

Politicians put their feet in their mouth every day.
So it takes a fair bit of rhetoric to get my attention.

New Zealand Chief Executive of Ministry of Social Development, Head of CYFS New Zealand, Peter Hughes got my attention with some serious foot in mouth.

And I think he deserves more attention.

Around the world would be nice.

Not just for what he said, but for why he is saying it and what he is doing about it.

It involves a blog that has been up for about a month. It’s raw, it’s anonymous and among other things it posts emails from families that have heartbreaking and enraging encounters with CYFS. It is what is called a name and shame blog.
It is not unlike rate your teacher or rate your doctor, only it’s a lot harder to read because it involves families and children colliding with a bureaucracy.
There is an online forum called that deals with similar issues, but this blog has started to get New Zealanders talking.

Hughes is furious, and blew up in the media.

…”do whatever is necessary to get rid of this website”.
“We will be working 24/7 until that is done,” he said.

While lawyers scrambled to obey, within hours the Social Workers Registration Union put up a press release.

Newspapers have been threatened if they put up the link.And Hughes made good on his threat today, as this becomes the perfect information storm.

Hughes has dispatched lawyers to Google demanding the site be shut down.

Government lawyers have gone to the internet giant Google in their bid to shut down a website that “names and shames” Child, Youth and Family Services social workers.

Auckland lawyer Andrew Tetzlaff, who has acted in the past for a Google subsidiary, confirmed yesterday that Ministry of Social Development lawyers had contacted him because the site had been set up using Google’s Blogger technology.

He said he had no continuing involvement with the company and had simply passed on the ministry’s messages to a Google contact in the United States.

Ministry chief executive Peter Hughes vowed on Tuesday to get rid of the website.

By late yesterday, 44 postings had named 40 CYFS social workers, lawyers and others involved in taking children from their parents. Most postings were from parents, although some were from relatives, friends and children themselves.

There are 81 posts now, and they may not be up much longer.It is entirely possible and probable Google will comply, after all as a private company, they have no dog in this fight. The only people that can really speak up about this are New Zealanders. And in the perfect information storm, different interests, concerns and needs are diverging.

When a government official threatens the media about linking to a site, when they dispatch their legal people to Google with demands for immediate removal, it gets people talking.
Opinions about CYFS Watchblog are understandably mixed, frustration levels are rising, chatter is increasing…

One of the things that disturbs me is that New Zealand does not have an independent review board for the cases mentioned at panic forum and at the watchblog.

Of the 5314 children in care at the end of last June, about half of them are Maori. The Children’s Commissioner received 343 complaints about the service in the year to June and another 56 complaints went to the Ombudsmen.

Many vulnerable families are not getting redress - which is what the watch blog is saying. Contrary to early media reports this week the blog is not run by disgruntled parents, but it is run anonymously. Why it is, is said very starkly on the sidebar.

In the perfect information storm that has kicked up this week, the needs and stories of the children and families could once again be getting lost because a politician wants what he wants when he wants it; and Hughes has made no bones he will use all his power at his disposal to see he gets it.

And at

As posted from and CYFSWATCH

CYFS and Censorship

Time to get a bit political now, I didn’t really want to have too much political stuff on this blog, but this should be fine.

There is a government department Children, Youth and Family Services, or CYFS, that have been caught out acting in a fairly incompetent fashion, time after time again. A blog has started up with the goal of reporting their activity by naming and shaming those responsible, which is something I think the web is perfect for.

It exposes some fundamental issues that the department needs to address, and the responsible thing to do would be to take some action to improve their services, and the way they do them. Well they have taken action all right, not to try and improve themselves, but by devoting all their (tax-payer funded) resources to shutting down the blog instead! This would be fairly normal for North Korea, China or the US or somewhere, but for a New Zealand government to try and do this is unbelievable and embarrasing.

I am a firm believer in protecting the right of free speech, regardless of whether I agree with it or not, so in this case I am 100% behind the free speech rights of the blog (but not necessarily 100% in agreement with whatever they say) and 100% opposed to the CYFS reaction in this matter.

I guess CYFS are one of those people who believe free speech should have limits. Those people are among those whom I despise the most. Free Speech as a right exists fundamentally to protect ideas that are somewhat removed from the mainstream. Any reason someone can think of for limiting free speech, I say thats the very reason why it needs to be protected so vigorously. This quote I found on another forum says it rather well:

“The right to offend ought be understood as the essence of free speech rather than an exception to it.It’s hard to imagine Free speech, as a principle, arising from a need to protect safe, bland, orthodox, or popular speech.We ought be mindful, too, that freedom of opinion and expression ought entail the right to be and express that you are offended.”

Anyway the blog is here. Aardvark has also been following the case recently.

Time to take advantage of technology?

As posted on CYFSWATCH

Can I make a suggestion based on all the blogs I have read on this site.

With all the microphones and micro-cameras one can buy today, why don't some of the victims on this site record the dealings they are going to have with these scum and post on You-Tube for all to see.

I am sure it would shut the CYFS defenders up once and for all. Maybe one of the main stream media groups will grow some balls (yes we know you will be reading this site) and support someone and help with the gear.

The NZ people need to see and hear the truth. All we need is someone brave enough to let their story be seen in the public eye. I would support anyone who chose to do this as would the NZ public.

Posted by cyfswatch

Why an internal Complaints Authority will not work for CYFS.

As posted on CYFSWATCH

The Police Complaints authority is a complete and utter waste of time.

The vast majority of complaints made to it are referred back to the Police 'professional conduct division'.

The police officers who fill this division will:

1. Try to convince you to agree that you complaint was groundless. the formal name for this is conciliation, and in the official report it gives the impression that some form of redress or apology or conciliation has been offered. This is far from the truth, what in fact happens is that police use sophisticated interrogation and manipulation techniques to destroy your confidence in your complaint and to get you to drop it.

2. If you refuse to be 'conciliated' you will be subjected to character assassination and ad hominem attack - your motives will be questioned - and the complaint will be denied. Any lie put forward by the offending officer will be accepted out of hand and your evidence counts for nothing.

3. You have the right to protest this Police investigation of themselves -- and the PCA response will be to refer your response back to the police, and they will get to concoct another series of denials of it all.

4. This carries on until you get sick of it.

5. Even if the PCA does come down on your side the Police can give it 2 fingers as it has no authority over them at all.

These are the stats for complaints from last year taken from the PCA yearly report:

A. Total complaints - 2829

B. Accepted for jurisdiction - 2481

C. Not pursued - 164

D. Sustained or partially sustained - 96

E. Conciliated or not sustained - 563.

The balance are still ongoing.

So in a year, Police accept they were out of line in a whopping 3.8% of cases.

There sure are a heck of a lot of people out there making false complaints aren't there?

How lucky we are to have a police force that can be trusted to investigate themselves eh?

Now, apply the same process to CYFS complaints....................

"Non-custodial parents rights a big delusion".

As posted on CYFSWATCH

Posted by Dads4Justice:

CYFSWATCH currently negotiating with Google regards CYFSWATCH posts.

As posted on CYFSWATCH

Hi Blogger team,

Our team is more than willing to work within the guidelines - its just that it is very difficult for us to make any amends to our postings, if Blogger Support don't first inform us of what amendments need to be made, and to what postings. Simply whipping off postings from our blog keeps us ignorant of what changes may need to be made.

In future, could we ask that you advise us as to which posts you receive complaints about, the nature of the complaints, and the amendments you wish to be made to a particular posting? That way, we will at least have the opportunity to act on the complaint. Alternatively, please feel free to forward any complaints to us, and we can deal with them directly?

We would also add that we have received no information whatsoever that any of our postings are outside the gambit of NZ or US law. We accept that Blogger support may make subjective judgements about posts, however we would again request that, should any complaints be made, we at least have the opportunity to rectify the issue ourselves.



>From: "Blogger Help"

>To: "cyfswatch cyfswatch"

>Subject: Re: [#109137887] Blogger TOS Violation- content removed

>Date: Sun, 04 Feb 2007 19:52:06 -0800
Thanks for your reply. As described in Blogger's Terms of Service(available at, we reserve the right to remove posts or blogs, or to terminate accounts, that violate Blogger's content or member conduct policies. When we receive complaints that a post appears to violate the privacy of others by, for example, publishing non-public personal information like residential addresses, we remove the post. Likewise, we may remove posts that appear to threaten actual harm to specific individuals.

To the extent that you're able to remedy these violations by modifying the posts or otherwise addressing these violations, the Blogger team will not take any further action to enforce its Terms of Service. But please be advised that repeated violation of our policies may result not only in the removal of specific posts but also in the termination of your account and deletion of the entire blog.

We trust that this addresses your concerns.

The Blogger Team

Original Message Follows:


>From: "cyfswatch cyfswatch"

>Subject: RE: [#109137887] Blogger TOS Violation- content removed

>Date: Fri, 02 Feb 2007 14:01:16 +1300
>Dear Blogger Support,

On what grounds in New Zealand law does any post on breach your TOS? Such alleged breaches would have to be proved in a NZ Court of Law, or a US Court of Law depending on relevant jurisdiction.

Please therefore re-list any posts you may have removed.


>>From: "Blogger Help"
> >To:
> >Subject: [#109137887] Blogger TOS Violation- content removed
> >Date: Thu, 01 Feb 2007 16:04:57 -0800
> >

We'd like to inform you that we've received a complaint regarding your blog Upon review, we've noted that your blog is not in compliance with Blogger Terms of Service( As a result, we've been forced to remove the infringing posts from your blog.

Thank you for your understanding.

The Blogger Team

Latest CYFSWATCH media report (Newstalk ZB, TV3).

As posted on CYFSWATCH

Threatening Internet post deleted - then re-posted5/02/2007 15:12:03

A battle of wills is underway in Cyberspace.

Internet giant Google has deleted a threatening post on the controversial name and shame CYFSwatch website.

However the website has flouted internet protocol and re-posted the item.

The deleted item contained threats to social workers - with the writer saying they would be "watching and waiting and never far behind"

Internet specialist, David Farrar, says Google was right to delete it, and flouting Google's terms and conditions may result in the website being shut down.

Mr Farrar says, although many are sympathetic to the grievances aired on the blog sit, there is a limit to what Google can accept.

Geldof On Fathers

As posted on Menz Issues

A must watch:

Saturday, February 03, 2007

How Parliament deals with complaints about CYFS.

As posted on CYFSWATCH

CYF doesn't know how many complaints have been made.

CYF doesn't know how many complaints have been upheld.

CYF doesn't know how many complaints have been made by falsely accused parents or caregivers.

CYF doesn't know how many complaints have been made as a result of malicious or vexatious notifications.

CYF doesn't know how many complaints have been made by parents who are involved in custody or divorce proceedings.

CYF doesn't know how many complaints have been made about registered social workers.

CYF doesn't know how many complaints have been made about unqualified social workers.

CYF doesn't know how many social workers have been disciplined as a result of complaints made about them.

CYF doesn't know how many complaints have been made about managers.

CYF doesn't know how many complaints have been misplaced/lost.

CYF doesn't know how many complaints are waiting to be investigated.

CYF doesn't know why they don't have national statistics on complaints.

Don't they use Key Performance Indicators for their managers?

Shouldn't the KPI's include accurate information about client satisfaction?

Aren't complaints procedures an important method of discovering gaps in service shortfalls?

Aren't complaints about staff linked to Human Resource records?

All of the above queries could be easily answered after a week's work by a competent SQL analyst/programmer.

Could the minister be prevaricating?

5 months ago in Parliament . . .

Questions And Answers -Thursday, 24 August 2006

Thursday, 24 August 2006, 6:03 pm

Press Release: Office of the Clerk

Child, Youth and Family—Complaints

3. JUDY TURNER (Deputy Leader—United Future): to the Associate Minister for Social Development and Employment (CYF): Does Child, Youth and Family record the number of complaints received from those who feel unfairly treated by the actions, procedures, or decisions of the department; if so, how many complaints have been received in the last 5 years?

Hon RUTH DYSON (Associate Minister for Social Development and Employment (CYF)): I am advised that all complaints that the department receives are thoroughly investigated, but currently there is no central database that captures all complaints made to Child, Youth and Family staff.

Judy Turner: Does she agree that Child, Youth and Family should be accountable to an organisation outside itself, given its statutory powers; if so, will she support the call of United Future to establish an independent complaints authority for Child, Youth and Family?

Hon RUTH DYSON: I certainly agree that the actions of Child, Youth and Family staff, like all other public servants, should be accountable. In terms of the latter part of the member's question, I am certainly prepared to review existing pathways for complaints to be made—for example, the Social Workers Registration Board, the Office of the Ombudsmen, the Privacy Commissioner, the Human Rights Commission, and any others—and will discuss the outcomes of those considerations with the member.

Georgina Beyer: What is Child, Youth and Family doing to strengthen its complaints procedures?

Hon RUTH DYSON: I am pleased to advise that work is under way to develop a new national database that will ensure that complaints can be collated centrally. The database is just one of the benefits we are seeing as a result of the merger between Child, Youth and Family Services and the Ministry of Social Development.

Judy Turner: Is the Minister aware that the Police Complaints Authority—for which the Child, Youth and Family's equivalent could be considered comparable—costs approximately $2.1 million per year, yet its effect on public confidence and accountability is considered priceless; and, if so, is not a Child, Youth and Family complaints authority a very small cost for a very significant and necessary benefit for parents and families?

Hon RUTH DYSON: Yes, I am familiar with those figures and I will certainly take that information into consideration when undertaking the existing complaints pathways review.


Friday, February 02, 2007

Message from CYFSWATCH

As posted on CYFSWATCH

* 203 posts in 1.5 weeks;

* 96 CYFS Social Workers / CYFS Caregivers named and shamed;

* 83% public support for CYFSWATCH remining live;

* Over 60 copies of the CYFSWATCH site downloaded in New Zealand and around the world;

* Website and blog links to CYFSWATCH both nationally and internationally;

* Registered SWRB Social Workers revealed as appalling interventionists;* Other "name and shame" blogsites started in the past week;

* Attempts by well resourced Government agency to shut CYFSWATCH down failed;* Open, uncensored, non-PC debates between CYFS Social Workers and clients;

* Massive multi-level media commentary on CYFSWATCH;

* Not a peep from any Government MP, either in power or on the Opposition benches.