Saturday, February 03, 2007

How Parliament deals with complaints about CYFS.

As posted on CYFSWATCH

CYF doesn't know how many complaints have been made.

CYF doesn't know how many complaints have been upheld.

CYF doesn't know how many complaints have been made by falsely accused parents or caregivers.

CYF doesn't know how many complaints have been made as a result of malicious or vexatious notifications.

CYF doesn't know how many complaints have been made by parents who are involved in custody or divorce proceedings.

CYF doesn't know how many complaints have been made about registered social workers.

CYF doesn't know how many complaints have been made about unqualified social workers.

CYF doesn't know how many social workers have been disciplined as a result of complaints made about them.

CYF doesn't know how many complaints have been made about managers.

CYF doesn't know how many complaints have been misplaced/lost.

CYF doesn't know how many complaints are waiting to be investigated.

CYF doesn't know why they don't have national statistics on complaints.

Don't they use Key Performance Indicators for their managers?

Shouldn't the KPI's include accurate information about client satisfaction?

Aren't complaints procedures an important method of discovering gaps in service shortfalls?

Aren't complaints about staff linked to Human Resource records?

All of the above queries could be easily answered after a week's work by a competent SQL analyst/programmer.

Could the minister be prevaricating?

5 months ago in Parliament . . .

Questions And Answers -Thursday, 24 August 2006

Thursday, 24 August 2006, 6:03 pm

Press Release: Office of the Clerk

Child, Youth and Family—Complaints

3. JUDY TURNER (Deputy Leader—United Future): to the Associate Minister for Social Development and Employment (CYF): Does Child, Youth and Family record the number of complaints received from those who feel unfairly treated by the actions, procedures, or decisions of the department; if so, how many complaints have been received in the last 5 years?

Hon RUTH DYSON (Associate Minister for Social Development and Employment (CYF)): I am advised that all complaints that the department receives are thoroughly investigated, but currently there is no central database that captures all complaints made to Child, Youth and Family staff.

Judy Turner: Does she agree that Child, Youth and Family should be accountable to an organisation outside itself, given its statutory powers; if so, will she support the call of United Future to establish an independent complaints authority for Child, Youth and Family?

Hon RUTH DYSON: I certainly agree that the actions of Child, Youth and Family staff, like all other public servants, should be accountable. In terms of the latter part of the member's question, I am certainly prepared to review existing pathways for complaints to be made—for example, the Social Workers Registration Board, the Office of the Ombudsmen, the Privacy Commissioner, the Human Rights Commission, and any others—and will discuss the outcomes of those considerations with the member.

Georgina Beyer: What is Child, Youth and Family doing to strengthen its complaints procedures?

Hon RUTH DYSON: I am pleased to advise that work is under way to develop a new national database that will ensure that complaints can be collated centrally. The database is just one of the benefits we are seeing as a result of the merger between Child, Youth and Family Services and the Ministry of Social Development.

Judy Turner: Is the Minister aware that the Police Complaints Authority—for which the Child, Youth and Family's equivalent could be considered comparable—costs approximately $2.1 million per year, yet its effect on public confidence and accountability is considered priceless; and, if so, is not a Child, Youth and Family complaints authority a very small cost for a very significant and necessary benefit for parents and families?

Hon RUTH DYSON: Yes, I am familiar with those figures and I will certainly take that information into consideration when undertaking the existing complaints pathways review.


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